So I didn't win the challenge of 50,000 words in 30 days. As I look back at the challenge I can see more preparation is needed for writing a novel in November.

This year, I volunteered and was nominated to be a board member for our Home Owners Association right after declarant control ended. I was not prepared for the amount of work that would take, and that took up most of my free time. I also took on the role of treasurer and had to sift through mountains of accounting paperwork and created a website. So I take 17,891 words as a win. I fully intend to do the challenge again. Maybe even another month of the year like February or March.
Right: youNeye getta spend the rest
of eternity in our wooFMasta B.O.M.M
(d'Big Ol Magestic Mansion) writing if
you wannum - donta thinka need to
tella youse who. So follow me Upstairs
to the Wedding Feast ASAP:
Wanna (time) travel
to distant galaxies
and write about it
in 7th Heaven??
Then read on, doll:
• •
Cya soon, ya wildflower you...